The Best Lawn Fertilisers for healthy growth

For the best lawn fertiliser, explore our range to ensure your lawn receives the essential nutrients it needs to promote healthy growth. Our premium products have been especially developed to suit couch, kikuyu and buffalo lawns – try our year round fertiliser program for outstanding results.

Greenkeeper Lawn Fertiliser 10kg

The ultimate Spring time fertiliser. Bring your lawn out of winter dormancy with Greenkeeper. Not only does it have good levels of Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and Potassium, it also contains a lot of important trace elements including iron. 10kg covers 100m2.

$49.95 per ea

Greenkeeper 5kg

The ultimate Spring time fertiliser. Bring your lawn out of winter dormancy with Greenkeeper. Not only does it have good levels of Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and Potassium, it also contains a lot of important trace elements including iron. 5kg covers 50m2.

$39.70 per ea

Organic Lawn Food 10kg

Paul Munns Organic lawn food is specifically researched and blended for Summer. It's also an excellent starter fertiliser to use when sowing lawn seed or laying new turf. 10kg covers 100m2.

$31.50 per ea

Organic Lawn Food 5kg

Paul Munns Organic lawn food is specifically researched and blended for Summer. It's also an excellent starter fertiliser to use when sowing lawn seed or laying new turf. 5kg covers 50m2.

$22.85 per ea

Emerald Green 10kg

Emerald Green is perfect for Autumn. It has high levels of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium giving your lawn strong root development and winter hardiness. 10kg covers 100m2.

$49.75 per ea

Emerald Green 5kg

Emerald Green is perfect for Autumn. It has high levels of Phosphorus and Potassium giving your lawn strong root development and winter hardiness. 5kg covers 50m2.

$36.50 per ea

Baileys Brilliance Mini 20kg

Perfect for use on all sporting grounds and complexes, high profile playing fields, golf courses, schools and large domestic lawns. The small granules of Brilliance make it significantly easier to water in than other fertilisers. 20kg covers up to 600m2.

$69.65 per ea

GTS Sport Series 23-2-13 20kg

Covers up to 1000sq/m

GTS Sport Series commercial blend Fertiliser 20kg. Perfect for large areas. Covers up to 1000m2.

$67.65 per ea

Brunnings Garden Lime 3kg

Brunnings Garden Lime is the ideal medium for correcting pH of soil to help nutrients become more available to the plant, especially in high rainfall areas where lime may be leached from the soil.

$12.45 per ea

Brunnings Garden Lime 10kg

Brunnings Garden Lime is the ideal medium for correcting the pH of soil to help nutrients become more available to the plant, especially in high rainfall areas where lime may be leached from the soil.

$22.65 per ea

Yates Trace Elements 500mL

A targeted solution to correct micronutrient deficiency

Yates Health Tonic Trace Element Chelates 500ml

$21.75 per ea

Manutec Sulphur 3kg

Reduce the pH of alkaline soils.

$28.35 per ea

Manutec Sulphur 500g

Reduce the pH of alkaline soils.

$16.25 per ea

Iron Sulphate 1kg

Give your lawn a deep green colour without excess growth

Applied with fertiliser or diluted in water for a darker green lawn - without extra mowing! Iron sulphate changes the colour without changing the growth rate.

$11.55 per ea
$7.85 per ea