Paul Munns Blog

Author: Stefan Palm   Date Posted: 6 February 2024

pH can range from 0 (Acidic) to 14 (alkaline), where a neutral soil is 7. Different plants ...

Author: Stefan Palm   Date Posted: 31 January 2024

I’ve often said that if I had to choose between applying a wetting age...

Author: Stefan Palm   Date Posted: 23 January 2024

Recent wet weather followed by some hot and dry days has brought favou...

Author: Stefan Palm   Date Posted: 18 January 2024

Factors to Consider Before Lawn Watering Most people want their lawns to get the righ...

Author: Stefan Palm   Date Posted: 11 January 2024

Comment (1)

The three main lawns we'll deal with in this blog are couch, kikuyu and buffalo. These are ...

Author: Stefan Palm   Date Posted: 21 December 2023

Comment (1)

When it comes to giving advice around soil preparation, we get lots of questions like: ...

Author: Stefan Palm   Date Posted: 12 December 2023

As the sun's rays intensify and temperatures climb, your lush green la...

Author: Stefan Palm   Date Posted: 5 December 2023

When it comes to fertilising lawns, high on most people’s expectations is a fast, greening effect...

Author: Stefan Palm   Date Posted: 28 November 2023

Comment (4)

This simple yet powerful lawn maintenance task involves applying a thin layer of sand a...

Author: Stefan Palm   Date Posted: 20 November 2023

Each year, turf mites become more and more prevalent in domestic lawns, and this year is no diffe...

Author: Stefan Palm   Date Posted: 15 November 2023

We’ve had many occasions recently where homeowners have raised concern...

Author: Stefan Palm   Date Posted: 7 November 2023

Over the past month, we've had quite a number of people asking us for advice on how to control th...

Author: Stefan Palm   Date Posted: 31 October 2023

If you haven't read ...

Author: Stefan Palm   Date Posted: 24 October 2023

Maintaining a lush, vibrant lawn is the dream of every homeowner. To a...

Author: Stefan Palm   Date Posted: 16 October 2023

The early start to Spring this year saw soil temperatures rise fairly quickly, and they are ...

Author: Stefan Palm   Date Posted: 12 October 2023

Warmth is the trigger to get lawns moving out of Winter dormancy. It increases the soil temperatu...

Author: Stefan Palm   Date Posted: 5 October 2023

Last week on ABC Talkback gardening radio, I mentioned that optimising...

Author: Stefan Palm   Date Posted: 27 September 2023

Having a lawn area of some type around the home is deeply engrain...

Author: Stefan Palm   Date Posted: 19 September 2023

I found myself doing some maintenance around our display lawns this week and noticed how many wee...

Author: Stefan Palm   Date Posted: 11 September 2023

Comment (2)
